Software/Zaber Console/Firmware Updater

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Zaber devices with firmware 6.18 or higher can be upgraded to the latest firmware version from Zaber Console. Note that devices can only be updated within their own major firmware version. Firmware 6.xx devices can only be updated to other firmware 6 version, and firmware 7 devices can only be updated to other firmware 7 versions.


There are a few steps you must take before the firmware upgrade option will be available:

  1. Make sure your computer has an internet connection.
  2. Start Zaber Console (must be v1.4.7 or later).
  3. Connect your Zaber device to your computer.
    • If your device has firmware 6 and an Integrated USB port, you can not use this connection to upgrade. Use a serial port connection or USB to Serial adapter. The Integrated USB port can be used for devices with firmware 7.
  4. Open the Serial Port.
  5. Ensure that the communication protocol is ASCII and the baud rate is 115200.

With these steps completed, click on the Device Menu, identified by the gear icon to the right of the device you want to update. When the menu opens, select the "Update Firmware" option. If you have a multi-axis controller, use the menu that corresponds to the controller itself, not any of its axes.

ZaberConsole DeviceMenu.png

If the Update Firmware button is not available, confirm that your device has firmware 6.18 or higher and then contact us.

Downloading Firmware

After clicking on the Update Firmware menu item, you will see the following dialog box:

ZaberConsole FirmwareDownload.png

Check that the device you'd like to update is displayed at the top.

The firmware version dropdown defaults to the newest available version for your device. You can select any available firmware version from the dropdown list to change to. Press View Release Notes to see the details of that version.

If you would like to begin the update immediately after downloading the file, then check the Auto-Start Update box. If you would prefer to upgrade later (it takes several minutes), don't check this box.

Press Download to get the Firmware Update File (and begin the upgrade, if the Auto-Start box is checked).

Note that if your device has calibration data on it, you will be prompted to make a backup of the data before proceeding. The firmware upgrade process destroys the calibration data on some devices, and you will need to restore it manually afterwards using the "Calibration Data..." menu item in the same Device Menu.

Applying Firmware

If you've checked "Auto-Start Update", the update will start immediately after the file is downloaded. Otherwise, select the "Apply Firmware to Device" tab and follow the below steps to install a downloaded file.

  1. If you have just downloaded a Firmware Update, that data will be stored in memory and the file name box will say "Using downloaded data". You can save it for use later on your computer with the "Save File" button.
  2. If you have a previously saved Firmware Update File, select it using the "Load File" button.
  3. Press Start Update when you're ready to begin .
ZaberConsole ApplyFirmware.png

The process typically takes a couple of minutes, and a message will be displayed when it's completed successfully. The Serial Port will close and re-open, and then the device is ready to use.


If something interrupts the firmware transfer process (for example, the device rejects the update or you hit the Cancel button or the device is disconnected from the computer), the Firmware Update window will stay open so you can read any messages about what happened in the message area before closing the window.

An incomplete firmware upgrade will leave the device in a state where it only supports the minimal command set needed for updating the firmware, and the red and green LEDs will flash to indicate the issue. Close and re-open the serial connection. Zaber Console will detect that the device is in this state when you open the serial port and give you instructions on how to get the device back to a working state.

Some devices take additional time to apply firmware updates after the Zaber Console part of the process completes, so you may not see the updated device in the Device List immediately. Wait until the device's status LEDs return to normal and then close and reopen the port in Zaber Console.